The Environment

There are some big challenges to face in the coming years. Climate change, population growth and unsustainable resource use will all put significant pressures on the environment.

In Britain nearly 30 million vehicles are contributing to the pollution of the air. Petrol fumes contain carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, soot, oil vapor and lead - all potentially dangerous to human health. Fortunately, lead free petrol is now being used extensively and cars with catalytic converters - which remove the polluting gases (except carbon dioxide) - are beginning to be introduced. In some cities, such as Los Angeles, fog combines with the fumes to form "smog" which causes lung problems. A warming planet alters weather patterns and water supplies, seasonal growth for plants and ways of life for people and wildlife.The impacts are already being felt all over the world. And it will get worse.There's lots we can do, but not much time. That is why Green Mile Cars will provide an eco-friendly, cost effective and economical service and still is of the highest quality. Our fleet of Toyota Prius cars emit approximately 60% less Carbon    Dioxide than other taxi vehicles in operation. In addition to this, they also produce 98% less Nitrogen Oxide than the average mini Cab and 100% less PM10 emissions.
The UN has named 2011 the International Year of Forests. From the Amazon to your local woodland, it’s all about celebrating the importance of trees. But trees, and things made from trees, have become so much part of our lives – from roof beams to newspapers – that we take them for granted and forget how much we rely on them every single day.

In the UK we love trees. Woodlands are somewhere to stroll or walk the dog. Somewhere for children to climb trees, to picnic. We find the idea of countryside without trees inconceivable and fight hard to protect what little remains in the UK.From Mid 2011 Green Mile Cars will start off-setting the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by planting trees for every 10000 miles our cars make.